Company Logos

Company logos belong to the most important icons of every company. Your logo is your companion, travels with you, and represents you at every event you participate in. It is a significant company symbol which should attract attention of your present and potential clients.

Company Logos and Corporate Identity

Your company logo or product brand may be designed by renowned artists and art designers, Zdeněk and Ondřej Velebný.

The process of creating a company logo follows many rules, which really need to be followed to secure that the logo will serve its purpose. Thanks to our long-lasting experience, we are able to offer you designs of top quality which will meet your expectations.

Complex services

We offer comprehensive graphic services and promotion-related work, so we are able to develop original promotional materials such as envelopes with company logos, business cards, company paper, invoices, catalogues, internet and other multimedia presentations, as well as corporate design.

It is not just the company logo that creates corporate identity. Shirts, T-shirts, jackets, hats and work-clothes that are used by your staff can be provided with embroidery which we will design and make for you.

Furthermore, there are exterior flags, festive interior flags and banners, streamers or advertising boards to be provided with company logos, as well as company vehicles, buildings, presentation booths etc.

Another important parts of the company identity include a slogan, a motto and a company mascot. Perhaps you are not sure how to create all these. We offer you complex services with optimal solutions for you!

Examples of our work

Look at examples of company logos which we had designed for our customers. These logos have represented the companies in domestic and foreign markets for a long time already.

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